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Texting me texting you

Texting me texting you

How lucky we all are to live in the world we live in today, thanks to McDonald’s and the like since inception has slowly eradicated family life. No longer do we have to sit around a table sharin ...
How do I stop automated calls?

How do I stop automated calls?

My heart sank when the telephone rang this morning at 8.35 am as I thought it was an emergency. A relative ill, had an accident, or similar tidings of bad news. But no it was yet another automated cal ...

Looking back over 80 years

Were you born before television, photocopiers, computers, mobile and iPhones, washing machines, tumble dryers and ballpoint pens? Another attribute to our society; we got married first, before living ...
I would not miss Strictly for anything

I would not miss Strictly for anything

You requested viewing habits so for myself, as I live on my own (yippee!!).   Here goes… I am missing my Sat night fix if Scandinavian thrillers, I can’t wait for their return. Crimes of P ...