Arthritis Care Helplines are offering a free booklet to Mature Times Readers. The 27 page booklet ‘Coping with pain’ is full of hints and tips for dealing with painful arthritis.
Arthritis is the single biggest cause of disability in the UK, affecting around 10 million people, many of whom struggle to cope with debilitating pain on a daily basis. In spite of this, arthritis is widely misunderstood and overlooked as being ‘something you get when you are old’.
Arthritis Care is the UK’s largest patient support charity working for people with arthritis. Helplines Partnership accredited Helpline provides support and information designed to empower people to manage life with arthritis.
Rates of arthritis in Britain are up, linked to sedentary life styles and increased obesity. Self-management can improve people’s health and reduce arthritis problems. Breaking pain cycles often involves planning gentle exercise in the day and eating a balanced diet to avoid becoming overweight.
For more information about self-managing arthritis and your free copy of Coping with pain get in touch with Arthritis Care Helpline – ring now for a confidential chat, support and information.
0808 8004050 10am – 4pm weekdays, or email
Two new videos Arthritis Care has made in conjunction with Streaming Well include:
Jane Asher on healthy eating
Self Management of Arthritis Pain