Hello, is that you? This is me

Hello, is that you? This is me

We humans could never manage without language. Those early homo sapiens could never manage with just grunts. They, or their forebears, started with grunts and gestures of a sort, but how many differen ...

Information superbirthday

Would you believe the internet is 25-years-old this month? It only seems like yesterday that I was plugging the wire into the back of my computer for the first time, and hearing that all too familiar ...
Logistical nightmare of the school holidays

Logistical nightmare of the school holidays

I don’t think there is a child who does not look forward to their school holidays. If any of them have parents who work the school holidays seem to come around too quickly. Lucky are the kids who have ...
Papers galore in France!

Papers galore in France!

If you wish for a paper-free, carefree life – do not go and live in France! In order to do simple things such as buying a house, or opening a bank account, obtain a telephone line, a mobile not ...