I really enjoy reading the Mature Times and I look forward to getting the newsletter on my e mail as well.
I have noticed that a lot of people write in and do nothing but complain. Just lately, mobile phone users, charity bags, telephone calls, too much rubbish on television and so on. No wonder people think that older people do nothing but moan. I remember how things were in the old days when we had no phones or televisions or charity shops.
I am happy to be alive in the days when I can access world wide information at the touch of a button, that I have the pleasure of a television set of my own which I can turn off when I don’t want to watch something. I can go to the library and get a book without paying. I can get on a bus for nothing if I want to go out. I am far luckier than my parents or grandparents.
I can see a Doctor for nothing, get a hospital bed and be cured of a disease my parents would have died from.
To all you old moaners be grateful and enjoy life. We are the lucky ones!
Mrs T Woodford, Maidstone by e mail