I read with sadness of the whingers going on about the TV licence and yet there was life before TV came along, people used to socialise and read books and listen to the radio. What about all those pastimes and hobbies we all used to have? Sadly, as a nation we never stick together, hence Brexit.
What if one million 60-65 year olds put their TVs away for a 6-month trial, the same with 65 to 70-year olds and 70 to 75-year olds. That’s three million licences not renewed at a cost to the BBC of £452 million pounds. You can listen freely to the wireless and use your internet for your pleasure.
I will be putting my set up in the loft come January and will be joining my local bowls club. The choice is yours, stand up for your rights for once in your life, where’s the Dunkirk spirit?
Leslie Holeyman, Deal