Edge of Tomorrow starring Tom Cruise

Edge of Tomorrow starring Tom Cruise

Joyce Glasser reviews Edge of Tomorrow (May 30, 2014) Cert. 12, 113 min. As coincidence would have it, Edge of Tomorrow, directed by Doug Limon (The Bourne Identity), is not alone among bank holiday b ...
A Rod Stewart extravaganza in Sheffield

A Rod Stewart extravaganza in Sheffield

TONIGHT’S THE NIGHT SHEFFIELD LYCEUM It’s unlikely Ben Elton scratched his head many minutes before coming up with the flimsy storyline that serves to showcase a couple of dozen Rod Stewar ...
Brotherly love in Hampstead

Brotherly love in Hampstead

Robert Tanitch reviews In the Vale of Health at Hampstead Theatre, London NW3. In the Vale of Health is the collective title for four plays by Simon Gray about two brothers, whose home is in the Hamps ...