May is National Courtesy Month

May is National Courtesy Month

Courtesy can be a great motivator and make a big difference to people’s lives by ensuring individuals are recognised and appreciated. Is courtesy out of fashion? Sometimes people seem almost apologeti ...
The Magna Carta and 800 years of democracy

The Magna Carta and 800 years of democracy

We have all heard of the Magna Carta and to most the old joke about where it was signed (on the bottom!) is the first fact that springs to mind.  This year sees the 800th anniversary of the signing (a ...
The perfect shopping trip

The perfect shopping trip

The perfect shopping trip involves a four hour trawl around stores, a cup of posh coffee and a flapjack – and a modest £131 dent in the bank balance, according to a recent survey. Researchers who poll ...
Robert Tanitch reviews the latest DVDs

Robert Tanitch reviews the latest DVDs

Eddie Redmayne’s Oscar-winning performance is a major turning point in his career THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING (Universal) is the story of the marriage and career of Stephen Hawking who at the age of 21, ...