Jane Buckle – Bio

My Grandfather was called Bertie Buckle. He was a journalist in Fleet Street and then went to live in India and founded the Bombay Gazette. I am not certain this was true but that was what my father told me! Bertie was definitely a champion Pig Sticker in India and I have the photograph of him resplendent in his jodhpurs lounging in front of his first prize cup.

I always wanted to be a journalist, but ended up doing Public Relations and Advertising, both of which meant that I was writing press releases, brochures and articles about clients.

I then moved to France where I lived for six blissful years. I renovated and sold houses and finally I realised my dream by writing for three magazines there. I even had my own column in one of them!

On my return to England I pitched for freelance work with all sorts of magazines and papers, who sadly did not recognise my talent! I was over the moon when the Mature Times accepted my articles. Fingers crossed they will publish more.

I like to think Bertie would be proud of his granddaughter.