Jane Ashcroft CBE comments on the Care Bill amendments

Jane Ashcroft CBE comments on the Care Bill amendments

Jane Ashcroft CBE, Chief Executive of Anchor comments:

Jane Ashcroft“We welcome the continued efforts of Paul Burstow MP in shining the spotlight on the dire need for better representation for older people in England.

“Following the lead of representatives in Wales and Northern Ireland, Mr Burstow’s proposal for an Older People’s Commissioner would ensure we give older people a voice and, importantly, listen to them; champion their vital contribution to society, challenge stereotypes and hold public services to account. This approach would also benefit the country’s future older generations.

“As our population continues to age this is a responsibility that will only grow in importance. We called on Government two years ago to appoint a dedicated Minister for Older People. More than 137,000 people signed the ‘Grey Pride’ petition and, in June 2012, MPs voted in favour of a motion calling on the Government to consider making such an appointment. Yet we still lack one person who will ensure joined up working between the many departments dealing with older people’s issues.

“I hope that the Care Bill amendment debates highlight that only a holistic approach to planning will ensure that different government departments work together effectively to handle the challenges that come with demographic change.”