Diners at the Earl Shilton Senior Citizen Centre were treated to a masterclass in energy saving cooking as Great British Bake-off star Ian Cumming cooked up a tasting menu developed with the help of his smart meter.
Being able to see how much energy he was using in pounds and pence meant Ian could calculate exactly what it costs to make his recipes while also using the in-home display to make energy savings around his home.
Smart Energy GB
Smart Energy GB is the voice of the smart meter rollout. It’s their task to help everyone in Great Britain understand smart meters, the national rollout and how to use their new meters to get their gas and electricity under control. The national campaign is reaching households in England, Scotland and Wales. For more information visit the website smartenergyGB.org
As part of the event, Smart Energy GB was on hand to talk to the members about smart meters, demonstrate how they work and answer any questions or concerns that they might have about the rollout.
Lucy Maggs of Smart Energy GB said: “Smart meters provide us all with the information we need about our energy use around the home, in pounds and pence making it easier to budget.
Smart meters mean an end to estimated bills, and to meter readers.
Like Ian, if you would like to see how much energy you are using in your home or want to keep track of your cooking costs, contact your energy supplier to see if you are eligible for an upgrade to a smart meter.’
About smart meters and the rollout
Smart meters replace the traditional meters we currently have in our homes. They enable accurate bills, provide near real time information on energy use in pounds and pence, and give greater control over the way we buy and use energy. The smart meter rollout is an essential technology upgrade, unprecedented in its scale, to improve Great Britain’s energy infrastructure.
Almost 7 million smart meters have already been installed in homes and microbusinesses, and between now and 2020 every household in England, Scotland and Wales will be offered one at no additional cost.
Is my information safe?
Smart meters only transmit your meter readings, there is no other information contained on or sent to your energy supplier. Your energy supplier will not be able to see or tell how you are using energy or appliances.
Are smart meters safe?
Smart meters are one of the safest pieces of modern technology you could have in your home. They were created with the help of technology and security experts to make sure that they adhere to the highest possible safety standards.
Are smart meters a danger to your health?
No. Public Health England have undertaken a number of studies into the effects of smart meters on health and say that they pose no risk.
Do they use the internet?
You do not need the internet to have smart meters as they operate on a secure wireless system that only transmits your meter readings to your energy supplier.
I like to see what my readings are, how can I see them now?
With the smart meters you are given an easy to use small screen called an in-home display, like a little TV, that shows you exactly what you are spending on your energy in pounds and pence. As well as being able to see the cost of your energy use in near real time you will also be able to see consumption, your meter reading and how much carbon your energy use has emitted.
How do I know my bills are accurate?
Smart meters bring an end to estimated bills and manual meter readings. Your meter readings are sent direct to your energy supplier, so you can be confident your bills are accurate.
How much do they cost?
Smart meters come at no additional cost. They will be aggregated into your bills in the same way that existing analogue meter maintenance is.