Today charities Age UK and Equally Ours are launching a new film called ‘His name is Charles’ to highlight the increasing number of older people who are reporting physical abuse and neglect.
The film tells the story of Charles, who lives in a care home. He is ignored, dressed in someone else’s clothes and staff don’t even know his name. On its own each incident seems trivial.
But put together, and experienced day in and day out, they add up to a story of neglect and a failure to respect the dignity of an individual older person.
Ill treatment that is happening at the hands of the people who are supposed to care for them.
Last year the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) reported a 20% rise in allegations of abuse, with more than a third of those cases taking place in care homes.
When we’re taken at speed and in reverse through Charles’ life we see him losing his wife, becoming a grandparent and parent, running a marathon, working as a postman, being a child; and the rich fullness of his life is revealed to us, the person he was and still is.
Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK said: “People in care and their families need to know what their rights are, and providers of care need to ensure no one is abused or neglected.
“We know that most people who live in care homes have a good experience but ‘Charles’ story’ will familiar to too many who see it. Some older people and their families already use human rights law to challenge poor and neglectful treatment, and I have no doubt more would do so if they knew they could.
“Everyone should be able to get compassionate care which respects their human rights. We all deserve to be cared for by people who know our name and help us live with dignity. The film reminds us of the experience that makes us who we are over a lifetime, at any stage of which we may find the need to assert our rights. In this sense our rights are universal, fundamental, and important for us all.”
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For more information about human rights for older people go to and for more information about Age UK’s ‘Care in Crisis’ campaign go to