Tax Help for Older People is a service provided by the charity Tax Volunteers, offering free, independent and expert help and advice on personal tax matters to older people (approaching 60 or over) on lower incomes (less than £20,000 per year).
The service operates across the UK, with a national helpline and a network of over 450 professionally trained tax volunteers. We will, however, be flexible where other circumstances e.g. disability or advanced age suggest an easing of this limit. For further information visit
HMRC independent research estimates that in any one year there will be in excess of over one million taxpayers who need some additional help or support to deal with their tax affairs, over and above that which can be offered by HMRC’s own telephone contact centres.
20% of all taxpayers are pensioners; Tax Volunteers estimate that there are potentially 50,000 older people in the UK in need of additional help and assistance with personal tax, tax credit or pension credit problems
Tax Help for Older People is urging the over sixties to make timely checks that they are not contributing too much….in income tax.
Operations Director Carol Pavely said “Tax can become more, not less complicated after retirement or semi-retirement. Every year many people are notified by HMRC of new tax codes or overpayments or underpayments of income tax. These can be very confusing, especially as many of us rely on our employer to deal with our tax payments while we are employed.
“This can be a whole new world to some over-sixties and comes at a time when other challenges such as illness, disability and bereavement can also hit.
We urge anyone over the age of sixty, and on a lower income, to seek clarification on any aspect of their income tax liability they do not understand. A simple tax health check can set your mind at rest and more complex problems can be sorted out. This service is completely free, independent and confidential”.
As well as its national helpline and network of volunteer tax advisers, the charity is also working with local organisations to help people. Carol Pavely confirmed “We are delighted to be working with local Age UK centres, Citizens Advice Bureaux and local authorities to reach and help local people with their income tax problems.
Our working partnerships mean that we can see people face to face when that is the best way to help, bringing the expertise of our specialist area of advice right to where it is most needed, in local towns and cities and in people’s homes. Older people give a great deal to our society. We are working hard to ensure that we are giving them something back and supporting older people when they need advice and support at this time and all year round.”
If you are an older person on a lower income, or someone acting on their behalf then you can contact Tax Help for Older People on its lo-call helpline 0845 601 3321 or 01308 488066
Tax Volunteers publishes its ‘Tax health check for older people’ annually and distributes over 10,000 copies. See