Will your postcode stop you getting free care?

Will your postcode stop you getting free care?

It is a little known fact that if you are adjudged as having what is called a ‘primary health care need’, the NHS is responsible for paying your social care fees via the non means-tested benefit entitled: ‘Continuing Health Care’. Social care is defined as help with the activities of daily living, such as washing, getting dressed, preparing and eating food, walking and going to the bathroom.

However a recent investigation by the National Audit Office uncovered significant variations between the number of people who are being assessed, and the number of people being granted this state benefit across different regions of the UK.

The investigation revealed that as little as 28 per 50,000 people in the worst regions in England and Wales were assessed as obtaining free care funding, but in other areas of England 356 per 50,000 people got Continuing Health Care.

This variation cannot be justified when so many people have spent their entire lives working and paying tax and national insurance as a means of contribution. To find that you have the misfortune to live in an area where so few people are granted Continuing Health Care is clearly neither fair nor reasonable.

In order to help people understand their rights and what they are entitled to, a new information service has been set up called the Care Fees Advice Line. With their expert knowledge of the rules and how the system works they are able to provide you with best advice as to your rights and help you obtain what you are rightfully entitled to.

For further information simply Freephone them on 0800 080 3005 and quote code MT1.