Should you call 999 or 101?

Should you call 999 or 101?

You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.

You should call 101 to contact the police in non-emergency circumstances, such as reporting an incident that has already occurred, giving the police information about crime in your area and making general police enquiries.

For example call 101 if:

  • Your car has been stolen
  • Your property has been damaged
  • You suspect drug use or dealing in your neighbourhood
  • You have been in a minor traffic collision.

101 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls cost 15 pence per call. This charge is irrespective of the length of the call, the time of day and the location from which it is made.
101 calls are initially answered with a recorded message explaining that the call is being connected to the force area from which the call is being made. You will be given the opportunity to use the voice activated system or to speak to a 101 operator to select an alternative force if required.
If you have a hearing disability, you can text 18001 101. If English is not your first language your local police have access to professional interpreters so they can quickly translate your call.
For more information on 101 visit this website.