Author Archives: admin

“I’ll see you at the movies”

“I’ll see you at the movies”

For Americans and film buffs outside the USA, Roger Ebert, the first person to win the Pulitzer Prize for film criticism, was a household name. Life Itself, based on Ebert’s memoir of the same title, ...
Taking statins and muscle pains

Taking statins and muscle pains

I have twice been prescribe Simvastatin with approx eighteen months between each being prescribed. After having taken these tablets for approx two months I was suddenly afflicted with severe muscle pa ...
We need the power of older workers

We need the power of older workers

Harnessing the power of older workers is a vital component of any long-term strategy to rejuvenate economic growth across the Europe, argues the International Longevity Centre –UK (ILC-UK) today. A ne ...