Monthly Archives: September 2019

State pension age has to rise further

State pension age has to rise further

Removing barriers for older people to remain in work has the potential to contribute greatly to the health of individuals and the affordability of public services. That’s one of the findings from a re ...
Senior Moment – Summer

Senior Moment – Summer

So, that’s it, summer has been and gone and we are now officially into autumn. I think it’s fair to say that this year hasn’t been the best of summers for most of us, in fact blink and you could well ...
A letter from Doreen Cufflin – TV Licences

A letter from Doreen Cufflin – TV Licences

Mrs K. Regan intends to send a double amount of her TV licence to the BBC. Wouldn’t it be much, much better to send this amount to a charity who would spend it more wisely? A local hospice, air Ambula ...
A letter from Michael Higgins – Companionship

A letter from Michael Higgins – Companionship

It is almost five years since I became one of those folk who live alone. Feeling lonely is an inevitable consequence and in my case rendered more difficult to deal with as we had lost our only son som ...