Tag Archives: products

Prices that are all over the shop

Prices that are all over the shop

During a year long investigation, the independent consumer body Which? tracked the prices of 32 of the most popular makes and models of home and technology appliances at five of the UK’s biggest retai ...
Something of interest – or is it?

Something of interest – or is it?

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. The so-called “Duck Test” suggests you can usually identify an unknown object from its general characteri ...
Gender Marketing

Gender Marketing

Gender is most obvious when shops divide up their range of toys into those for either boys or girls and while there is usually a marked preference by children for different playthings, there is also a ...
The value of deliberately irritating adverts ?

The value of deliberately irritating adverts ?

There is a concept in advertising, probably emerging via Canary Wharf, whereby adverts are made to be deliberately irritating, in order that we remember both the advert and the brand. Without question ...