Tag Archives: letter

A letter from Cameron Morice – TV Licences

A letter from Cameron Morice – TV Licences

Much has been written about the withdrawal of Free TV licences for the over 75s so I can’t resist a comment! Quite apart from the government’s decision to abdicate its responsibility for these licence ...
A letter from Mrs B. Quartly – TV Licences

A letter from Mrs B. Quartly – TV Licences

Anyone living outside London knows that the local councils have to live within their means and I think that the BBC should do the same. We see public toilets closing, few police on the streets, aged p ...
A letter from Ann Wills – Cashless Society

A letter from Ann Wills – Cashless Society

Forced reliance on electronic payments would put everyone at the mercy of computer hackers. An IT virus could wipe out our complete savings history and cripple entire industries around the world in an ...
A letter from Barbara Dyer – TV Licences

A letter from Barbara Dyer – TV Licences

Let’s keep a sense of proportion about the withdrawal of the television licence. It amounts to about £3 a week, a cup of coffee costs £2 which most of us indulge in. Now if it was the bus pass we woul ...