Tag Archives: illness

Living with a partner who is depressed 

Living with a partner who is depressed 

There is no joy in depression.  If you are the person who experiences it, you’ll know that. It seems to eat into your very soul. If you’re the partner of someone who’s depressed, you’ll know that too ...
Pollution linked to strokes

Pollution linked to strokes

Pollution and climate change contribute to the increasing number of strokes worldwide, according to a new study. Experts who have studied the link between climate change and cardiovascular disease say ...
Is your pet insured?

Is your pet insured?

Keeping your pet fit and healthy can cost you a great deal, especially if something unexpected happens when it is quite possible to be faced with a vet’s bill amounting to thousands of pounds. Unfortu ...
Travel insurance

Travel insurance

You talk about travel insurance and remembering to take an EH1 card when travelling to Europe. This card replaced the old E111 (which worked well) however this EH1C is a useless piece of cardboard!  I ...