5 ways to support prostate health

5 ways to support prostate health

According to Cancer Research UK, prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the UK.

Research by a leading specialist in evidence based nutrition suggests that prostate cancer prevention may be aided by eating a healthy diet – and ‘topping up’ with health supplements specially formulated for prostate well-being.

Eating the right foods in sufficient quantities, and enriching your diet with health supplements, can improve you overall health and reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer in the future. But what are the best ways to boost prostate health? Here are five:

1. Tomatoes

TomatoesIt is believed that lycopene in tomatoes helps to protect prostate cells. High lycopene intake of at least 10mg a day is related to prostate cancer prevention and disease management. Other conditions of the prostate such as HGPIN and prostatitis may also benefit from lycopene.

Taking a prostate supplement containing lycopene could be a way for men to consume the amounts necessary to deliver the associated health benefits.

2.  Limit dairy product intake

A high intake of milk and dairy products is linked to higher risk of prostate cancer. Intake should be limited to the recommended 3 portions of dairy a day to protect bones and teeth. Alternatives such as soya, which are fortified with vitamins and minerals, may have additional benefits over dairy due to the isoflavone content.

3. Replace animal fat with vegetable oils

Fruit and Veg assortmentSaturated fat, mainly found in animal sources may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Red meat is also rich in saturated fat and so should be consumed in small amounts and eaten lean.

Vegetable oils such as olive, nut and rapeseed oil should be used over butter, lard, dripping and suet.

4. Pomegranate

There is research that identifies a link between the regular consumption of pomegranate and prostate cancer prevention/treatment.  It is believed that the polyphenol gallic acid found in pomegranates delivers supportive health properties to the prostate gland.

You would need to eat 4 pomegranates a day to consume the equivalent 40mg pomegranate extract found in a prostate wellbeing supplement

5. Green Tea

Green teaRecent research has identified a link between the regular consumption of green tea and protection against prostate cancer. The polyphenols in green tea are believed to act as anti-cancer agents that can slow cancer progression.

Green tea is very much an acquired taste, however, but there are health supplements specially formulated for prostate well-being that contain the substance in sufficient quantities. Green tea is also known to help in type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Although there is no way to categorically prevent prostate cancer, research from well-respected organisations and oncologists suggests a link between prostate cancer risk and diet exists. By eating the right types of food as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, you could significantly reduce the risk of developing this devastating disease.