Tag Archives: referendum

Lies, damned lies and statistics

Lies, damned lies and statistics

As one of the older generation, one of whom is deemed by some to be a burden on society, I wonder how much young people, particularly teenagers, know about the lives that people led in the old days. W ...
Contrasting approaches

Contrasting approaches

In the May issue of the Mature Times there are pieces on pages 2 and 3 that tell completely different stories. The first is by your Deputy Editor Tina Foster. She says she is “sick of the referendum” ...
Should we stay?

Should we stay?

I just read your article and think it is the clearest and fairest summary of the issues regarding the referendum from both completely contrasting viewpoints. Thank you for this as trying to read lengt ...


I am both a certain “No” voter in the EU referendum and a firm believer in referenda on major issues. Tina Foster seems to be under the impression that MPs exercise their own judgment rath ...