‘Game Over’? I believe the Censorship Board has greatly underestimated many parents concern for their children’s welfare. Parents and Grandparents still know how to turn off devices and to say no! However, we still need support from large organisations to back us up in our role as guardians and protectors of our future generations. Our children need more protection than ever these days, and to allow them to hear obscene language at such an early age is brutalising and encourages a lack of respect to each other, and this will continue to adulthood, what sort of society will that breed?
Children today are treated with a great lack of respect and concern by large organisations that regard them as young consumers. They are manipulated by advertising on a grand scale. Everything is about money and not about their emotional welfare. In reality, it is the organisations such as the Censorship Board and Government who say ‘Game Over’ when it comes to being tough about safeguarding our children. Shame on them!
Mrs Patricia Deadman