Re: Costa Lot – EU in or out?

Re: Costa Lot – EU in or out?

Perhaps the biggest cost of belonging to the notoriously spendthrift EU is that we are no longer self governing.

Brussels and Strasbourg command and we have to obey, regardless of whether the new rules are in our best interests, or if they nullify laws and traditions of ours that we want to uphold.

Many EU laws are being passed that verify common sense; regulations concocted by a corrupt and out-of-touch-with-reality bureaucracy are imposed, that are destructive to economic growth, freedom of choice, self responsibility and national identity.

EU climate change alarmism is actually putting up the cost of heating and energy, while the interests of big corporations encourage the EU to impose demands that can be coped with, but that crush small businesses.

On a personal note, the EU’s hostility to herbal medicine is making the choice of natural remedies available to me even smaller.

Borders that are, in effect, completely and unreservedly open to all EU Citizens have led to a huge influx of immigrants, putting a strain on infrastructure, services, housing and for blue collar workers, a lower standard of living as wages for unskilled jobs are forced down by a glut of cheap labour.

Europe is in decline, emerging countries are expanding. The EU is a protectionist club. Let us look to the future by ceasing to cling to Europe’s coat-tails and instead welcoming an engagement and co-operation with the whole wide world.
